Crown & Bridges

Wondering if a crown or bridge is the answer to your dental problem? Aesthetic Dentistry of TruDent Clinics, your TruDent cosmetic dentists are here to explain how you can benefit from crowns and bridges.

What Are Crowns and Bridges?

Crowns slide over teeth, strengthening them and concealing cosmetic issues. They're made of a variety of durable materials, including porcelain, porcelain-fused-to-metal, nickel, gold, ceramic and resin. Crowns must be tough because they're subjected to very strong forces when you bite.

Bridges consist of two crowns that anchor one or more false teeth, called pontics They're used to replace missing teeth. Bridges are usually made of zirconium or porcelain-fused-to-metal.

How Can Crowns and Bridges Help me?

A missing tooth not only affects your appearance but also makes it more difficult to bite and chew. If several teeth are missing on one side, it can be particularly hard to chew foods. Unfortunately, if you don't chew foods thoroughly

Crowns and Bridges TruDent Clinics

before swallowing them, you can experience an upset stomach. When you receive your new bridge, you'll be able to enjoy your favorite foods again without a problem.

Crowns are very versatile restorations and are used for a variety of purposes, including:

Strengthening Damaged or Weakened Teeth: Crowns provide stability to cracked or chipped teeth in danger of breaking and restore teeth that are already broken.

Providing Stability After Dental Procedures: Large fillings and root canal therapy are very effective treatments used to treat and repair tooth decay or inflammation and infection, but they can weaken teeth and make them more likely to break if they're not protected with crowns.

Correcting Cosmetic Issues: Crowns conceal discolorations and chips, lengthen short teeth and change the appearance of crooked or oddly shaped teeth.

How Do I Receive Crown and Bridges?

Teeth that will receive crowns must be reduced in size in order to accommodate the crowns. After the teeth are reduced, an impression of your mouth is made. A dental laboratory uses the impression to create crowns or bridges that will fit your mouth perfectly. You'll leave your dentist's office with temporary crowns or bridges and will return two or three weeks later when your permanent restoration is ready.

During the second appointment, your dentist will check the fit of your crown or bridge, make any adjustments and permanently attach your restoration with dental cement.

Interested in learning more about crowns or bridges? Call the TruDent Clinics cosmetic dentists today at (232) 324-7283 to find out if they're a good option for you. Revitalize your smile with crowns and bridges!


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